Don't touch just feel it
pursue your goal
♦ 16 June 2011, 10:31:00 am, Add comment [0]

there are a few criteria to be a GOOD advertiser

1)excellent communication skills, feel for words economy of style, imagination and ingenuity.

2)numerical ability and use of statistics.

3)sound health and ability to work long hours under pressure.

4)team spirit and ability to motivate others.

5)boundless drive and stamina both physical and mental

6)considerable bussiness acumen and problem-solving skills.

7)creativity, originality, methodical, objective and unbiased.


can i be the best advertiser one day ?
i will, insyaallah.
pray for me okayy my dear readers :)

A Trouble Typewriter

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The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of 60 minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is - C. S. Lewis

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