Don't touch just feel it
Hi Mr. messy
♦ 4 February 2012, 12:43:00 am, Add comment [0]

Currently at home, Kulai Johor.
playing this video 20 times non stop :)
ohh Syed Shamim you drive me crazy, you make me melting.

Mesti semua orang macam tengah hangat memperkatakan tentang video ni kan, share kat Facebook semua. I'm the one also updated about this.

Kalau la nanti diorang ni jadi artis mesti diorang dah tak best dan sehot sekarang kan. Contoh macam NL tu, dulu masa vlogging minat gila nak dengar sekarang dah jadi artis hmmm kurengggg.

Apa apa pun i dream that my Mr. messy will have a a voice and can smile like him. OMGEEE melting melting -.-

you are the one i need <3 you are the one i need <3

okay nak sambung tengok Vanila Coklat, byee Mr. messy byee semua :D

A Trouble Typewriter

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The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of 60 minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is - C. S. Lewis

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Don't make me sad because I'm still child
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